Monday, September 05, 2005

Makin' it Happen

Tonight Professor Contracts made us arm wrestle. It was the Dean's welcome dinner for my section, and Professor Contracts spoke to us for a bit. We're going to play a game, he says, and has us move around the table to sit next to someone about our size. Get ready to arm wrestle - you get one point each time the back of the other person's hand touches the table, and the point of the game is to maximize the number of points you get. No talking, eyes closed.

So of course the trick here is to reciprocate, since you don't care how many points your "opponent" gets and you just want to burn through as many cycles as possible. I can't tell my partner about this plan, but I throw the first round and luckily am strong enough to quickly overpower him on the second and fourth, and they we're off to the races. When the exercise is over a couple of other pairs have had the same idea, and we all each have double-digit points, when almost everyone in the room has between zero and two. Moral of the story, intones Professor Contracts, is cooperate, don't compete. So I thought that was really cool.

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