Monday, September 19, 2005

Bob Atkinson is a Baller

This afternoon I saw Bob, Assistant Attorney General for Oregon, argue in a moot court to prepare for his oral arguments before the Supreme Court. As you might guess form the title, I was pretty impressed. You have to be insanely good just to hold your ground up there. The exchanges went like this:

"It is Oregon's position that -"
"Counsel, isn't it true that your arguments are complete bullshit?"
"No, your honor. We argue that -"
"Counsel, you're not very smart, are you?"
"I disagree, you honor. I -"
"We believe that pursuant to rule 703 in the -"
"Counsel, wouldn't you agree that you're ugly, too?"


shell said...

I'm always behind on new urban words.
Exactly what does "baller" mean again? I've heard it on one of the Destiny's Child songs...

Trevor said...

I generally take it to mean "one who excels or is otherwise impressive," which I suppose according to Urban Dictionary is a broader definition that is generally accepted.

Anonymous said...

"baller" is a guy that plays basketball.