Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Last Man

My brother just got back from preview night at the Comic Con, and he brought back two amazing trades, Vertigo's The Last Man, volumes 1 and 2. The premise is that some (so far unexplained) catastrophe instantaneously kills off every mammal on Earth with a Y chromosome, except for the main character and a Friends style helped monkey he was unsuccessfully trying to train. The story stays fresh and inventive through both books, but you can tell you're into somehting good right from the first few pages. Yorrick (for that's his name), is an ameteur escape artist, and you watch him wriggle out of a straghtjacket in flat, cramped drawings, inside a shuttered apartment while he talks about agoraphobia with his girlfriend, pictured hiking through sweeping Australian vistas. You've got all your thematic elements laid out form the start, but in a way that works without being showy. I mean, there are so many layers. It's like an onion, man.

God I'm a geek.

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