Monday, February 26, 2007

Baby Barista

Going a week or two without updates is pretty common in these here parts, but it feels especially barren when I do come back and there's a link in the comments to the positively verbose Baby Barista, who appears to write more good gossip in a day than I hear in a week. And in British!

The Departed

Good to see Scorsese come from behind to tie Three 6 Mafia 1-1.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Social Justice vs. Social Calendar

From an e-mail about upcoming events:
Mardi Gras at HLS
Date: Tuesday, Feb. 20
Location: The Hark
6-7:30pm: When the Levees Broke
Watch a screening of selections of Spike Lee’s film documenting Katrina’s devastation. The screening will be followed by remarks from Dean Kagan.
7:30-10pm: PARTY!!!!
Celebrate the joy and spirit of an enduring New Orleans! Eat, drink and indulge in the sultry sounds of jazz by Evan Diamond & Chris Drake.

Because, you know, nothing makes we want to get down on a Tuesday night like a documentary about the desruction and abandonment of a major American city.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

States Matter

I have a new favorite part of this time of year in Cambridge. It happens a day or two after a snowstorm, when snow on the sidewalk has melted and re-frozen into a solid sheet crusted over the cobblestones. If the crust is the right thickness - around a quarter inch is ideal - it cracks and snaps as you stomp across it, and it feels like you're grinding Winter iteslf underfoot.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

You'll Thank Me When You Share My Politics

I thought for a while I might post some celebratory Valentine's Day message, complete with homegrown holiday-appropriate imagery.

Well, screw that.

from the indispensable dinosaur comics

Additionally: xkcd, pbf

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Replacing "Awesome"

Unfogged has suggestions:
Much useful discussion ensues. Read the comments, at least down to the recounting of using "knives out, motherfuckers!" as a friendly greeting. I think I'm taking that. I've already picked up such ridiculosities as "hella spendy." Damn you, Jason. That lingo is pants.

Hey, I Know That Guy

Congratulations to Law Review President-Elect Andrew Crespo. Article by our very own PBB.

Everyone know what this means, right? I have to start working on Andrew Crespo jokes right away. Anybody got any ideas?

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It's Like Tennis, But in a Box

It seems like everybody's playing Racquetball all of a sudden. And Amazon just threw this up on my Recommended section:

What gives?

Monday, February 05, 2007

Re: Claire's Daddy

You were right NBC. I did not suspect that. Well done.

Quote of the Day

Do you guys watch Heroes? It's really good.
- Cass Sunstein

Jesus Loves Osama

You've got to respect the kind of church that posts a sign like that outside. Going way outside the box like this brings the message home much more powerfully than repeating the usual platitudes. And of course it's doctrinally correct, too. Intense.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Already Under the Wire

One unfortunate consequence of my otherwise brilliant feat of scheduling is that I have to do an entire week's worth of reading today. As you may have heard, that can be kind of a lot.

I won't have time to work tomorrow, because I have Parody rehearsal for hours , and then it's the Super Bowl. Which I can't miss, on account of being American. Parody will be fun, though. Our script was well-received at Thursday's read-through, and they found a great 1L to play Unnamed Protagonist, which was my biggest worry about the show. But right now, I'm up to my eyeballs in Admin. Which is less fun.


LinkCalifornia is working to make open-source books for K-12 education. Cool.

Also, the Coop was sold out of a book I need for a seminar on Monday, but we were 0only assigned five pages for this week, so with a bit of fiddling I could use Amazon's Search Inside feature to get what I needed until I can get the whole thing shipped.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Mean Girl

So this show 30 Rock is like Tina Fey's secret plan to make me fall in love with her, right? Because it's totally working.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Julian Sanchez points me to the awesome iConcertCal plug-in for iTunes, which searches your music library and tells you when one of the bands in it is playing a show in your town.

For example, now I'm going to go see MC Lars, who lived in my dorm one year, play at the Middle East on the 27th.