Friday, July 20, 2007

The City Veins

I don't read Matt Yglesias's blog for music recommendations, but because I'm a Trainspotting-level political junkie. Still, the other day he linked to this indie band The City Veins, who were (and are!) giving away their debut CD for free. It's not at all what I'd usually listen to, but I've had it on the iPod at work and it's really grown on me. It kind of makes me want to steal Ken's computer and spend days staring plaintively into a rainy middle distance. This effect is troubling. Having hastily abandoned my SoCal roots, I'm increasingly alarmed that I've become locked in to some irreversible metro-hipster-yuppie metamorphosis. I fully expect to awake in the middle of the night encased in a gossamer cocoon of polyester while terrible enzynes melt my intestines and coat me in a chitinous shell of vinyl and hair product.

But the music is pretty good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Trevor,

Thanks for the kind words on the music. We're happy you're into it, as you're now the next casualty in our diabolical plan to transform the world into metro-hipster-yuppie douche bags one blogger at a time.

But seriously, thanks for the plug. We appreciate it.

The City Veins