Monday, December 26, 2005

The Morning After

Christmas is over and all the shopping and feasting and skiing is done and it hits me: I don't know a single thing about Civil Procedure.

And I'm not being melodramatic here. We sent in practice exams, and the comments on mine read:
I would have been able to give you some helpful comments if you would have put some effort into this.

Many paragraphs were untouched, save for a single word in green next to them in the margin, "wrong". Don't believe the hype; the biggest difference between law school and undergrad was the shift from quarters to semesters. But man! What a shift. Around week nine I had totally checked out. We should have had our finals and started to forget things by then. Free up space in the ol' noggin for new material. Why were we still learning?

So now I have two weeks to teach myself the subject and prepare for a handwritten in-class final. I've got my Glannon's E&E and transcripts of the Arthur Miller lecture series, so hopefully that will be all i need. I refused to bring my casebooks home for the holidays, and I won't open them again if I can possibly get away with it.
Trevor Austin


shell said...

You guys already received your exams back? I forgot to ask how they'll be sending me my grades, but I know that I won't get most of my grades until Feb.

Trevor said...

Just a practice exam. We haven't even taken the real ones yet.