Monday, October 24, 2005

Law Student Life Cycles

Last week (and by "week" I mean "Monday through Thursday") was so long and so busy that I wound up spending the almost entire weekend sitting around just to recoup. I didn't do anything more substantial than watch a movie or buy cold-weather clothes.

A lot of this is because I partied way too hard on Thursday, a practice that's already become a kind of law school tradition. It's our longest day, culminating in two grinding hours of legal writing. When that class gets out at five, there's nothing I want more than a cold beer. Luckily, the student council has stepped up to enable this addiction by putting a keg out on the lawn every week right at five. It's pretty much all downhill from there.

And now I'm back, tanned rested and ready, with my sleep-dep slate wiped clean and a new gym scedule all worked out. So what am I doing? Writing the second draft of the same millstone of a memo that dragged last week down. Here we go again.

1 comment:

shell said...

So sad, yet so true.
The unspoken rule is: Even if you work hard, you're still behind anyway (by prof's standards).