I'm a serial joiner. I love signing up for new things and becoming a part of new groups. Teams, clubs, societies; it's all good. So when I went to the student activities fair thingy they had at admit weekend, I put my name down on about half of the student groups around. Especially if they had food.
So in addition to the California Club, the Parody crew, and La Alianza ("Uh, but I'm not Hispanic." "It's okay. Just sign here."), I put my name and e-mail down for the Federalist Society and the American Constitution Society. This seemed perfectly natural to me, since a lot of the things I believe aren't always that well-represented electorally. Besides, I think of myself as a maverick (so much sexier than "moderate") voter and want to hear both sides of things. Not to go all Hegelian on you, but surely there's something to be learned by seeing both parts of the Fed-ACS punch-counterpunch.
So even though Tokyo is big into the ACS and speaking partly in jest, his comments over at Josh's today troubled me. If it's true that, "you should discover that thereĆs two sides of things, the ACS, and the Feds. Sure people can be conservative on some issues, and progressive on others, but I think most people are probably mostly one way or another," then that's just really depressing.
So support maverick thinkers! Go read Donklephant today.
I don't believe in that "one way or other" stuff.
There's nothing with being complex and perceptive to seemingly opposite ideas.
I pity the simpleton(s) who can't comprehend this.
Its unlikely you'll get this, but if you do, I'd appreciate an answer.
I am a 1L and would like to join both societies, although I'm afraid of 1) how it will be received among my colleagues in both, and 2) how it will look for employers. I don't want to put myself in the position of researching a hiring attorney's political views when sending out my resume, nor do I want to appear opportunistic as if I'm 'playing both sides".
Since this was in 2005, I presume you're in your first year working, so if you could spare any words on your experience in both, it'd go a long way to helping me. I'll check back up here, but if you prefer you can email me at benitosucks (at) gmail.
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