The message, I suppose, is: "The ACLU is an enemy of the state. They are bad. REal bad. Like, commie bad." The reasoning behind this is pretty simplistic, too. ACLU is enemy of the state, leftist. Commies also leftist enemies. Ergo, ACLU = commies!
Maybe I don't get it, but that doesn't seem like a very cutting criticism. I mean, the whole point of a civil liberties group is to work against state power. You say to them, "but you work against the government!" and they'll reply, "Well, yeah. Duh." And here's where the whole Soviet thing breaks down. The whole problem with the USSR was that it had way too much state control over its citizens' lives. I mean, if you were an enemy of the Soviet state, that made you one of the good guys. "ACLU = Solzhenitsyn" is pretty bad, as attacks go.
UPDATE: img tag fixed
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