Sunday, September 17, 2006


I have been crazy busy this week. I'll tell you about that later. But what makes me think of it is that while I was out today my computer downloaded a new version of iTunes, and now it downloads my (too full) calendar onto my iPod. I'm taking that thing with me everywhere now.
Proportionate Response

The best part is the way the lecture continues uninterrupted.

Link from Lawyers, Guns, and Money/

Monday, September 11, 2006

*&^%ing Federalism

Professor Evidence just now:
Not only do the Federal Rules of Evidence control in civil trials in Federal court, but most states - 42 of them - have more or less copied the Federal Rules for their own state courts. Unfortunately for all of you, four of the eight states that have not done so are California, New York, Massachusetts, and Illinois. So probably three quarters of you will wind up working somewhere where this isn't the case. That's too bad.

[Post-spellcheck addition] I just spelled "Massachusetts" right on the first try, for possibly the first time ever.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Can't Stop the Signal

This has been a rough move. Our apartment is great, but I didn't have a bed until yesterday, my furniture won't be here until Wednesday, and I'm currently riding someone else's wireless just to be connected. The delivery crew for the mattress store gave me a window from 7-11, so I woke up early on our hardwood floors to be ready for them, only to wait around until they showed up at 12:30. IKEA's "next day delivery if you buy before three pm" is actually next week delivery.

The upside is I have achieved new heights of spiritual awareness. My inner serenity is now entirely imperturbable - I am less a still pond than a lake of glass. Today when the cursed Swedes piled on fresh indignities after a five-hour devotional procession through their overcrowded, understocked azure cathedral I did not want to run over a single child with my cart. This is a profound growth, and I am still only beginning to treasure it in fullness.